Bache-Martin School’s fifth annual Bache in Bloom fundraiser, silent auction and family fun night will take place on Thursday, May 16, 2024 from 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm (rain date May 23rd). The event is free and open to the community!
Bache-Martin is a neighborhood public school serving more than 540 students from the Fairmount, Francisville, Spring Garden, and Brewerytown neighborhoods as well as students from other neighborhoods who attend the school based on various special needs programs based at the school. Funds raised at Bache in Bloom support the operation of our school library, help pay for student mutual aid as well as school programming like Give & Go recess coaches, Dance eXchange/Dancing Classrooms and Vetri Cooking Lab.
We need you! The vitality of a neighborhood school, like Bache-Martin, has a direct impact on its surrounding community and businesses. Your support of Bache in Bloom will help ensure that Bache-Martin continues to grow and thrive!
The deadline for sponsorships is May 2nd – but the earlier you sign up, the more time we’ll have to promote your business through our TigerGram newsletter and on social media!
On behalf of the students, staff, and families of Bache-Martin, we look forward to your support of Bache in Bloom! Questions? Email events@thepowerofbachemartin.com